Refund Policy
Please read this entire page carefully before sending a return. You have up to 1 month after purchase to return your order to:
Rietwaardenweg 47F, 5222 AP, s-Hertogenbosch
Make sure, for example, by attaching the original invoice that we can recognize who the return is coming from. As soon as the return has been received, we will refund the purchase amount and, in the event that you return the entire order, the shipping costs, back to your account within 14 days.
The costs for the return shipment are for your own account. The cheapest way to return is by franking the mail item as letterbox post (postage stamps). You can also choose to return it as a letterbox package. You then have track & amp; trace, but this is a lot more expensive! Please note that the products must be returned in their original packaging.
Do you want to exchange a product for another? This can be done within the same term by clearly indicating which product you are exchanging white for. Write EXCHANGE on the outside of the box so that we give you priority over the other returns.
It is not often that a product is defective or defective upon arrival. We attach great importance to delivering a properly functioning product. If you are dissatisfied with the product or delivery, please let us know. If a product is damaged, you can send us an email or whatsapp with a photo or video of the damage. If we also detect the damage, we will send you a new product and you do not have to return the defective product.
Do you have any further questions about the right of withdrawal? Take a look at the frequently asked questions or send an email.
1. What is the reason for the return?
– Wrong product: I ordered or received the wrong product.
– Not as expected: The quality of the product is not as expected
– Product damaged: The product is damaged or defective
– Other: Another reason for returning the product.